Sunday, July 26, 2020

ESR - First Game Thoughts

Russian advanced guard spot elements of the French 2nd Division moving up to attack.

I haven’t amassed, painted and played Napoleonics in over 30 years for many reasons, even though like most wargamers I’ve collected, but not played, a number of new rules in those years. But last year when I purchased Et Sans Resultat (ESR) by The Wargaming Company, something changed.  I tend to prefer games where you can easily represent an entire battle, have unique, well-thought mechanisms and tend to be from small, independent companies.  ESR hit all of those, plus it scratched my itch to get back in to Napoleonics.

This review will focus various game play and mechanisms rather than on the rule book itself.  There are a number of good rules reviews available:
I’d also suggest those interested in ESR watch the Tabletop Simulator replay of a game by The Armchair Dragoons featuring the rules author, David Ensteness. It pushes 3 1/2 hours but I found it helped me better understand the rules.