Monday, February 19, 2018

Mortem et Gloriam - Classical Indians vs. Late Achaemenid Persians (2/17/2018)

About 25 years ago, when I still lived in Austin, DBM was the ancients rules of choice and I built a Late Achaemenid Persian army. It was fairly balanced and I probably had a 50% win percentage with them. Since moving to Dallas the army has been sitting in a closet and I don't think they've seen a table in at least 21 years. To be honest, until recently gaming in general had become a once or twice a year event for me and when I did game it was usually Chain of Command (WWII), Saga or some version of ACW. 

I was introduced to Mortem et Gloriam (MeG) at MillenniumCon last November. Rob Smith, Bob Huey and others ran a game on Friday night and I was able to sit in, push lead and roll dice. After one turn I was hooked. By the end of the night I had already bought the rules and began researching new armies to buy.  I knew that if I was going to get back into ancients I would need a new army to keep my interest - so I decided on Celtiberians. In the mean time, I still had my very worn, very battered Late Achaemenid Persians (more than one stand of hoplites are missing their long spears).